Do kids dare to dream any more?
recent study concluded that 98% of kids under the age of 7 frequently have anxiety nightmares in which they're unable to move, wedged in the middle of 8,000,000 people frantically stumbling over each other as a tower of salt water crashes down on them.
Meanwhile, a set of case studies conducted by a private citizen named
Howard unearths an aquifer of existential angst feeding Florida's kids aged 4-11. One girl interviewed by Howard and his team described feeling unbearably sad during summer evenings when the sun would take a long time to set and everything would get all orangey and warm. "My friends and I have this thing where we lie on our stomachs, spread out our arms like this and kiss the ground hundreds of time," the girl tells Howard. Several of the young kids Howard observed displayed similar grieving behavior, and performed what Howard calls "moping rituals."
Compared to a similar study conducted in 1997, the children in 2009 overwhelmingly chose to stay home after school and look at the sky with their hands cupped around their eyes like binoculars, focusing on a specific star for hours on end. A boy referred to as "P" summed it up by saying "This is not fair at all."